The Importance of Mindset

Mental health is often an overlooked aspect of a healthy lifestyle. Historically, mental health has been a taboo topic, but it's recently become more of a subject of conversation as mindfulness and meditation have become trendy.

I've always believed that the power of your mindset is a huge factor in how you feel - both physically and emotionally.  This may sound silly, but a phrase that really stuck with me and made me think about happiness differently came from a One Tree Hill episode.  One of the characters said "happiness is a state of mind, not a destination."  This really resonated with me because I think a lot of times we're looking outside ourselves to find happiness, when really, we need to turn our focus inward.

We all go through our ups and downs in life.  Right now, many of us are put in challenging situations and more than ever, I try to look at these hardships as an experience that will ultimately make me stronger.

When I got this tattoo on the back of my neck, I was afraid that people would incessantly ask me what it symbolized or what it meant.  That hasn't happened, but I'll tell you now because I think it's relevant to the subject.

The symbol is called an Unalome and it's a Buddhist symbol of the path to enlightenment.  You'll notice that along the path, there are many twists - these represent the challenges, mistakes, and different turns our lives take.  Each of these twist & turns are a part of the greater path, which ultimately straightens out once one reaches enlightenment or peace.

I've always looked at the challenges I've faced in my life as character building and experiences that will ultimately make me stronger.  It's hard to think this way when immediately faced with a difficult situation, but it's important to take a step back and think objectively about the situation.  

With the COVID-19 crisis changing all of our lives, I've been taking the time to get outside, breathe fresh air, and appreciate the little things.  It's amazing what just a few deep breaths can do for your mental state.  If it weren't for this time I've taken for myself, I wouldn't have noticed the hummingbird nest located just outside my balcony.  So yes, we're in an uncharacteristically challenging time right now, but having the right mindset will help us all get through this.

So stay strong, take a deep breath, and think about the little things you have to be thankful for.  

What do you do when faced with a challenging situation?  Do you have any mindfulness techniques to share?  Comment below!


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