Love You More

Ryan and I celebrated our 7 year anniversary this past weekend.  I know that once you're married, you're supposed to celebrate the years from your wedding date, but we thought it would be nice to have something to celebrate.  I think we've all gotten to that point in our quarantine where we're getting a little restless and stir crazy.  People keep asking me the same question - "aren't you bored?"  And the answer is honestly, no.  I've been managing to keep myself busy, but more importantly, I've been doing the things I love, which has helped keep me from getting bored or getting restless.

So how do I do it and what should you do?  Find something you love - your dog, sunshine, food, flowers - whatever it is and go for it.  Yes, it definitely helps that I'm quarantined with my husband, who I love, but it's the sum of all of these things that's getting me through and will help you too!

1- I love my dog.  I always said I wished I could spend all day with her and guess what?  Now I can.  So I'm getting in all the puppy snuggles and kisses and days at the park I can now because I know this won't last forever.  While Ryan is working, Bella is my only companion and she's doing a great job at keeping me company.

2- I love the outdoors and the sunshine.  The funny thing is, I'm actually spending more time outdoors now than I have in a long time.  Bella and I walk to the park every morning and spend some time in the sunshine.  Then, in the afternoons I try to spend most of my time outside on our balcony.  Yes, I do wish we could go to the beach and go for hikes, but I'm getting my share of outdoor time the safe (and legal) way.

3- I love food.  I think you can tell from my previous posts that food is a big part of my life.  I'm usually not big on eating sweets, in fact I usually don't even keep them in the house.  During quarantine, I've been treating myself more than usual because it's a stressful and unusual time.  I came up with the motto the other day "count steps, not calories" and I think it epitomizes my overall food philosophy.  It's all about balance and a cinnamon roll or cookie here and there aren't going to kill you.  So go for it (in moderation) and enjoy some delicious food.  But don't forget to stay active too!

4- The other day I was feeling a little down, so I went for a walk around the neighborhood and looked at all the beautiful blooming flowers.  Looking at them brought me so much joy that I decided I needed to find a way to get some fresh flowers into our apartment.  I looked at some online options, but getting bouquets of flowers delivered is expensive!  So I braved a trip to Whole Foods to buy the flowers in the picture above and another bouquet of purple flowers.  It was a little thing, but looking at them makes me smile.

So whatever it is that you love, go out there and find a way to make it happen.  You may not be able to lay out on the beach, but what about laying out on a towel on your balcony, listening to a recording of ocean waves?  Love is what will get us all through this quarantine, in whatever shape it takes.  💕


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