Dog-Friendly Workouts

As you can see from the picture below, the second I put down my yoga mat to work out, Bella grabs a toy and lays down on it.  While she looks adorable while doing this, it makes it really difficult to get a good work out in.  Other times, she stands right in the middle of the exercise I'm doing and doesn't move even if I hit her or kick her in the face (on accident and gently of course).

With all the time I've spent working out around Bella, I've come up with some key tips and moves to keep her entertained while I work out.  Check them out below!

In the video below, you can see me doing a backward lunge while holding a chew toy in my hand.  This is one of my go-to moves because Bella loves to fetch.  What I typically do is pick up the toy right before I'm ready to do my lunges, make her sit, and then do a quick set of lunges.  When I near the end of my set, I throw the toy across the apartment so she fetches it while I finish up.  Then I repeat with the next exercise.  Everybody wins in this scenario - she gets to play and I get to exercise!


Here you can see the same concept - toy in hand, using it as a prop during my workout.  Watch Bella's face as she follows the bone the entire time!

Squat swimmers:

When I do any kind of mat work, I like to keep a toy or bone nearby as well.  This way, if she bites at my feet while I'm doing leg raises, I can throw the toy or play with it to get her attention.

The biggest part about working out around your dog is that you have to include them in whatever it is you're doing.  If you try to ignore them, they'll do what they do best and try to get your love and attention.

Here are some easy moves you can do while holding a toy and including your dog in your workout:

-Jumping Jacks
-Jump Rope
-Marching or Running in Place

-Crunches/Ab Work

Final tip - don't forget to have fun!  Bella and I love to bump music and dance around the apartment.  

Here's a blooper of what happens when you don't give your dog a toy to focus on and try to do mat work...

What's your favorite activity to do with your dog?  Comment below to see if our dogs share any hobbies :)


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