Slow Cooker Chicken Tikka Masala

Can I admit something to you that's really silly and stupid?  Okay, so we all know the song "If you like pina coladas..."  Well at some point in time, I switched up the words to "If you like chicken tikka masala..."  And now every time I think about chicken tikka masala, I get that song stuck in my head for days.  I literally have to turn on the TV or listen to music just to get it out of my head!  Just ask my neighbors, I'm sure they've heard me belting it out around the apartment. 😮

Alright, now back to the food.  I'll be honest and say that cooking Indian food scares me a little, but chicken tikka masala is something I can totally get behind.  This is a go-to dish that I typically order from our favorite Indian restaurant, but it's also something that I've cooked a few times at home and it's super tasty.  I make a lightened up version using coconut milk instead of cream, so it's a little different from the true dish, but it's still very good.

Servings: 6-8
Total Time: 3 1/2 hours

2 lbs chicken thighs or breasts
1 1/2 tbs garam masala
1 1/2 tsp smoked paprika
1/2-3/4 tsp cayenne pepper (depending on your spice preference)
1 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp curry powder
1/4 tsp cumin
3 garlic cloves, minced
1, 28 oz can of crushed tomatoes (you can use whole and crush them yourself too)
1 can coconut milk
1 tsp olive oil
Salt & Pepper to taste


  1. Mince the garlic and then saute in a small pan with oil.  Once browned, remove from heat and add to your slow cooker.
  2. Add can of tomatoes and spices and mix until combined.
  3. Add chicken and cover with tomato mixture.
  4. Cook on high for 3 hours.  Once the chicken is cooked, remove from the slow cooker and shred.
  5. Add the chicken back to the slow cooker, add the coconut milk and cook for another 15-20 minutes with the lid off.
  6. Serve on top of a bed of rice and pair with homemade naan bread.

Look at this lineup of spices!  It's important that you have all spices to get the complexity and depth of flavor for this dish.

Add your tomatoes and spices to your slow cooker.

Add your chicken and make sure it's covered by the tomatoes.

After 3 hours of cooking, your chicken should easily shred.  Don't worry about getting it too fine, you can leave some chunks too.

Add your chicken and coconut milk back into the slow cooker and mix.

Cook for an additional 15-20 minutes with the top off.

Once your chicken tikka masala is done cooking, pair it with some rice and homemade naan bread.


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