
If you've never tried meditating, you need to put down your phone or computer or whatever device you're using to read this and get started!  I've been meditating for about 6 months now and it's had a huge impact on my life.  I've always had trouble sleeping because the second I lay my head down on my pillow, I start thinking about a million things.  My husband recommended that I download the Headspace app and do some meditation before bed to help clear my head.  I know that Headspace works for a lot of people, but I couldn't even get through a few minutes of it.  The guys's voice is very calming, but I found my thoughts continuing to persist because of the long silences in the exercises.

I'll be honest, I gave up on Headspace right away and I think I said it was stupid.  But then I found an app called Sanvello that does essentially the same thing, but you can choose background noises for the exercise.  I always use the ocean waves soundscape because I find the sound of the water really soothing.  A lot of times after the exercise has ended, I keep listening to the ocean waves for a few more minutes and continue my state of zen.  If ocean waves aren't for you, they have other soundscapes to choose from like summer night, campfire, stream, white noise, etc.

You can also choose from different scenarios like "Relax your Muscles," "Present in the Moment," "Falling Asleep," "Releasing Stress," etc.  Again, I started using meditation as a tool to help me sleep better at night and it worked wonders.  I meditate almost every night now and notice a big difference every night I don't meditate before bed.

I'm also starting to meditate in the mornings as well so I can start my day on a positive note.  Sanvello offers meditations like "Start Your Day" "Getting Motivated," and "Coping with Morning Dread." No, my days aren't as stressful now that I'm not working, but there are always stresses that arise in life and I'm trying to take this time to be the best me I can be.

So here is a photo from my first morning meditation.  Before I drank my coffee or ate my overnight oats topped with kitchen sink granola, I practiced a little meditation and got myself ready to have a kick ass day.

When I meditate at night, I do it from in bed.  The instructor will tell you to be sitting in a comfortable position, but I do it while laying down under a comfy blanket and usually with the lights off and a scented candle going.  You don't need a lot to create your own meditation station.  All you really need is an atmosphere of relaxation, however you want to provide that.

Meditation is a great tool to help you cope with difficult situations and emotions, but it only goes so far.  It's something that takes a commitment and consistent effort to have a lasting effect.  I've valued the time I've spent meditating and I hope this post will get you in the mood to start or keep meditating.  If you're not convinced, try it once and let me know what you think.  Sanvello is a free app you can download from the app store and because of COVID-19, all of the "premium" meditations are unlocked for everyone.  I think if you put in the effort to meditate, you'll notice a difference both physically and mentally.

What do you do to meditate?  I'd love to hear what works for you and see pictures of your meditation stations!


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