Ab Blaster Workout Routine

It's not easy to keep a trim tummy during quarantine.  I've been baking a ton and trying to keep all the sweets from showing.  Do you want a flat tummy and some definition to your abs?  This 25-30 minute ab workout I designed will work your core muscles in different ways to get your abs looking great!

One thing I feel like I have to note is that to get a flat stomach, you can't just work out your abs.  You need to do cardio to shed the fat that sits above your ab muscles before anyone can notice them!  So this is just some mat work to tone and define your ab muscles, but a great thing to do before this workout is to warm up with some cardio.  Even if it's just a 20 minute walk, it's important to shed some fat before you can have a flat tummy.

Now let's get into things!

Total time: 25-30 minutes

*1 count = both sides, alternating

50 crunches
50 bicycle crunches*
50 see-saw crunches
60 seconds ballerina kicks
50 seconds pull the rope*

Plank series:
30 cheek to cheek
30 spider planks
30 second hold

Work one side, then switch.  Each count is per side:
30 side crunches
30 lateral get-ups
30 oblique choppers


Here are some videos of me demonstrating these moves, but I do want to preface them with the fact that I am not a personal trainer, so I can't guarantee that my form is perfect.  Don't judge me!  I'm just trying to share with you what my routines are so you can pick and chose what you like, as long as you're making an effort to work out, you're on the right path!

See-Saw Crunches:

Ballerina & Pull the Rope:

Plank Series:

Side Crunches, Lateral Get-Ups, and Oblique Choppers:

By the end of this routine (or in the middle) your abs should be on fire!  Don't be afraid to take a break to stretch.  After I did this routine all the way through for the first time, I was sore in places I didn't even know you could be sore.  Who knew you had muscles on the side of your rib cage. 🤷 But that's a sign it's working and that you're building muscle, so don't be afraid of a little pain.


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