In Home Workouts

Personally, I've never been a gym person.  Call me paranoid, but I don't like the idea of other people watching while I sweat and turn bright red.  When we moved into our apartment and there was an in-house gym with only 2 treadmills, 1 elliptical, 1 bike, and a few other machines, I was thankful that I wouldn't have to sign up for a gym membership.  Even so, I've always used the gym for the cardio machines and done any strength training at home.  In this crazy time of COVID-19, I guess I'm a little more prepared than others who rely on gym memberships or classes to get in a workout.  See some of my go-to routines and tips below!

#1 Tip: I find that I need to structure my workouts.  Without a trainer telling you what to do, it's important that you know what you're doing, for how long, and what comes next so you don't spend time thinking about what you're going to do next and letting your heart-rate drop.  I like to have a few workouts that I rotate through so I'm never bored and always working different muscle groups.

Equipment: I use very little equipment when I work out.  Until a few years ago, all I really needed was a yoga mat.  Now I've upgraded and I have a punching bag and 2.5 pound ankle weights, but all these workouts can be done with simply a yoga mat!

*Dog not necessary to complete these workouts*

Workout 1: Legs/Abs/Butt

  • 20 crisscross lunges: this is where you do a backwards, sideways lunge and alternate from leg to leg.  Left and right lunges = 1 count.  This exercise is a great outer butt and thigh work out.
  • 20 squat swimmers: go down into a squat and as you're coming up, kick back and elevate your leg until it's at a 45 degree angle.  This is a great peak contraction for your butt!
  • 20 backwards lunges: you should know what to do here!
  • Ab rotation: this is my go-to ab circuit.  50 crunches, 50 bicycle crunches, 50 accordion crunches
  • 20 bridge kicks
  • Repeat!
Workout 2: Cardio/Abs/Butt

  • Boxing circuit: 
    • Right arm punch (x10), left arm punch (x10), repeat 5 times
    • Punch 1-1-2-1-2 (x5), starting with the right arm and then switch to the left
    • Jog in place for 60 seconds while doing low punches
    • Duck and punch: come down into a squat and circle to the right of the bag. Strike quickly twice (right-left) and then repeat to the left. (x10)
  • 60 seconds jumping jacks
  • 60 seconds jump rope
  • 20 burpees
  • 60 seconds mountain climbers
  • Ab rotation: 50 crunches, 50 bicycle crunches, 50 accordion crunches
  • Repeat! Keep that heart rate up.
  • Mat Work: you'll do each of these exercises on one leg and then switch to the other
    • 50 Side leg raises
    • 50 Side leg circles going forward, then backwards
    • 30 Inner thigh leg raises
    • 30 Fire hydrants
Finally, if you're someone who needs a little extra motivation, or you just like to change up your workout routine, there are plenty of digital options out there as well (dvds, zoom classes, youtube, etc.)  One of the things I like about taking an instructor-led workout class is that you can learn what works for you and what doesn't.  If I don't like an exercise or can't do it, I can skip it without feeling bad.  I can also learn new exercises to add into my basic routine.

Coming soon:

How to work out AND play with your dog at the same time!  


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