Spread Love, Not Coronavirus

"I ask myself is there something more for us in all of this."

I can't believe it's May.  Yes, it's May 4th and it's taken me this long to come to terms with the fact that it's May and there's no end in sight (yet) for our quarantine.  It amazes me how many people still aren't taking this seriously.  I'm not here to rant or lecture, but I find it hard to believe that some people are still going around, business as usual.  Ryan and I were at the park with Bella yesterday, keeping our distance from everyone else enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.  There was this group of 20-30 guys playing soccer in an enclosed area at the other end of the park and I just couldn't believe it.  That's exactly why this is still spreading - because a bunch of people decide to do something together and then someone gets infected and contaminates the 20+ other people he's with.  (Or she - not trying to be sexist here).

About 15 minutes into our park excursion, a cop car pulled up out of nowhere with lights and sirens on. There are very few times in my life where I've been happy to see the police, but this was definitely one of them.  We all need to do our part to stay at home and socially distance so we can flatten the curve and get back to "normal" as quickly as possible.  And I know it sucks, but wear a mask.  It's the easiest thing you can do to help yourself and others out.  I'm amazed every day at the number of people I see walking around outside without a mask on.  Just do it.

And finally, let's try to be kind to one another and spread love, not coronavirus.  The other day, when I was walking home from the park, a guy ran across the street and a woman who was driving her car stopped, rolled down her windows, and screamed bloody murder at him.  It was so shocking and unnecessary, I almost started laughing.  In this difficult time, we need to support each other and help spread love and positivity.

We're all in this together and we're stronger as a team.  So stay home, wear a mask when you go out, socially distance, and be nice to people.  It's really not that hard. Happy Monday. 💕


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