Out Of Office

Do you ever feel bad asking for time off?  I think most people can relate to that feeling.  Dreading asking your boss for time off because you just desperately need a refresh.  We all need time off to avoid burnout.  It took me months to get up the courage to ask my boss for time off for our honeymoon and then took weeks of stress before I was able to get the time off approved.  Even then, I was scared to leave the office for such a long time.  Being a team of 1 means that nobody is there to do the work while you're gone.

And guess what?  All that stress was for nothing!  Who knew that COVID-19 would come in and just change everything?  Well, in my extensive time away from work, I can tell you that I've really learned the value of taking time off.  I feel vibrant and refreshed in a way that I haven't felt in years.  I'm finding hobbies and passions I've never even tried before.  So no, it's not the honeymoon I wanted and I would 100% trade this time off for my honeymoon, but I've learned a hugely valuable lesson about the importance of taking time.

What have I been doing with all my time other than cooking?  Well, I'll share that with you now!  Here's what a typical weekday looks like for me:

  • 8:30am ~ Wake up time! I always start my morning with a cup of black coffee, breakfast -either overnight oats or a smoothie - and work on the day's post.  I usually write out my blog posts ahead of time and then take a look over them with fresh eyes in the morning.
  • Around 9:30-10:30am ~ Bella and I walk to the park down the street to enjoy some sunshine and fetch.  
  • Mid-morning (10:30-12ish) ~ I spend 30 minutes to 1 hour working out. Yup, I work out 7 days a week, alternating the workouts I do and the intensity.  Rather than giving myself a day off, I'll spend a day just doing some light cardio and mat work.  What if I'm not in the mood to work out?  I put on a really good song that just makes me want to DANCE and I dance around my living room like a total idiot, getting my heart rate up until I'm ready to work out.  It works every time.
  • Early afternoon (12ish-1ish) ~ Shower & lunch.  Lunch is pretty much always leftovers from the day before's tasty creation.  I love leftovers because all you have to do is plate up and enjoy!
  • Mid Afternoon (1ish-4ish) ~ This is where my day can vary a little bit.  Recently, I've been taking at least an hour of this time to read up on nutrition.  Other days, I spend cleaning, running errands, doing laundry or any other miscellaneous tasks.
  • Around 4pm ~ This is when I start to focus on the next day's content.  Do I have a picture?  A post?  What am I going to hashtag on my instagram post?  Believe it or not, finding good hashtags can take some time!  
  • 5pm ~ Pour myself a glass of wine and start prepping dinner.  This is incredibly early to start prepping, but I love to have everything ready before I start cooking (mise en place).  So I'll usually listen to some good music, enjoy my wine, and slowly cut veggies or prep anything I need for that night's dinner.
  • Around 6pm ~ start cooking!
  • 7pm ~ photo time.  Just about every meal is an opportunity for content.
  • Around 7:15-7:30pm ~ Dinner time.
  • After Dinner ~ Snuggle on the couch with Ryan and Bella and watch some TV.  Recently we've been re-watching Seinfeld, but we've also watched Westworld, Bob's Burgers, The Last Stand, and more!
  • 9pm ~ time to get ready for bed.  
  • 9:30pm ~ I get in bed and spend some time reading or meditating.
  • 10pm ~ lights out, bed time!
I try to spend as much time outside as possible.  Whether that means reading a book or writing a post (like this one), I try to do it on our balcony so I can enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.  I also listen to a TON of music, which has helped me stay positive.  It's really amazing what a good song can do for your mood.

I do have a few strict rules when it comes to quarantine weekdays to keep me from wasting any time.  I don't watch TV before 3pm and I don't have any alcohol before 5pm.  These may seem like silly rules, but it would be easy to sit around drinking and watching TV all day.  I'm not about to waste my time off by living a boring and unhealthy life.  I'm going to try to see the silver lining in this furlough situation and enjoy the time I have and you should too!  

It's such a dumb saying, but I definitely live my life with a bit of a YOLO (you only live once) mindset.  This experience has really taught me that you have to appreciate what you have and love the life you live.  If you're not enjoying yourself, what's the point?  So take time for yourself, appreciate what you have, and put in a little work every day to live your best life.  


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