Finding Myself During Quarantine

I don't know about you, but spending 2 months in quarantine, not working has turned my world upside down.  I'm not someone who can sit around and do nothing, so I started off quarantine by cleaning every inch of my apartment.  I went places that nobody (even professionals) have gone before.  Once that had been taken care of, I asked myself, what do you like to do, but don't typically have the time for?  It seems like we're always too busy to do the little things like making bread from scratch or reading a good book.  

Ryan and I have been trying to spend as much time outside (at a social distance with others of course) as we can during quarantine.  We did something a few weekends ago that we haven't done in the 6 years we've been in our apartment.  We packed up some food, a book for me and a tennis ball for Bella, and had a picnic at the park down the street.  It's such a small thing, but putting on a dress and getting outside to enjoy some sunshine felt amazing.  It's something we'll definitely do again in quarantine and maybe even after. 

When I started this blog, it was a little bit about keeping me busy, but also about sharing knowledge with others.  I try to live a life that's full of exercise, good food, and positive vibes.  It's always been something I've found important and I've delved even deeper into these subjects during quarantine.

When I was on the phone with my mom yesterday, she asked me if I had thought of pursuing wellness as a career.  I guess they have wellness coaches/counselors at large companies and schools and this could be something I could do as a career.  The more I thought about it, the more it seemed like what I've been looking for.  When I first got into HR, it was because I wanted to help people, but that's not really what I do on a day-to-day basis.  Every once in a while I'll help someone in a way where they're appreciative and I feel like I'm making a difference, but it doesn't happen often.

So the more I think about helping people with holistic wellness, the more I think that maybe this is something I'm meant to do.  I've always had my own kind of wellness philosophy and have never been a fan of fad diets.  Maybe it's the Libra in me, but I think a lot of life and wellness is about balance.  A little bacon or cake here and there won't hurt as long as you eat a well-balanced diet and exercise.  It's all about balance and moderation.

I looked into some holistic wellness programs and they're expensive and time consuming (as they should be if you receive certification).  So for the time being, while I'm exploring holistic wellness, I'll just be buying some books and learning the basics.  And maybe I'll even enjoy reading them during another picnic in the park.  

I also just downloaded the lifesum app to see if my diet is actually as healthy and nutritious as I think it is.  We'll see where this road takes me!


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