Arm & Leg Combo Workout

So far I've shared with you ab & leg workout routines, but nothing for your arms.  Why?  First, boxing is a main source of arm workouts for me.  For a day or two after I get a good boxing workout in, my shoulders and chest are a little sore, so I don't like to push my arms too much more than that.  I also find that arm workouts on their own are not intense enough to keep my heart rate up, which means that I'm not burning fat.  My favorite way to work out my arms is to combine leg and arm workouts.  Check out some of my favorite moves below and keep scrolling for a great arm & leg workout routine!

Chair Squat w/Tricep Kickbacks:
Go into a static chair squat, where your feet are only hip width apart and kick back your arms until straight.  Don't over-extend your elbow, just go to the point where your arm is straight and then bring it back up to the starting point.  Alternate your arms.

Plie Squats w/Shoulder Raises:
A plie squat is wider than a regular squat and your toes should be facing slightly outwards.  As you come out of each squat, you'll raise one arm straight in front of you until about eye level.  Alternate arms and make sure when your arms come down, you're not rolling your shoulders or slouching.

Static Lunge w/Push Backs:
Go into a deep forward lunge with your arms by your sides, but palms facing backwards.  Hold your lunge and push both arms backwards at the same time.  

Dead Lifts w/Hammer Curl:
Do a standard dead lift - with your knees slightly bent, lean forward with your back straight until your hands touch the tops of your feet (or until you can't go down any further without rounding your back).  As you come out of the dead lift, keep your elbows stuck to your sides and pull your hands up like you're doing a curl.

A few other moves you can do:

-Chair squat w/anterior raises - sink down into a chair squat while simultaneously bringing your arms forward until parallel with the floor & about eye level.  Your arms should be straight while you lift them.  As you stand out of the squat, gently allow your arms to fall back to your sides.  
-Backwards lunge w/shoulder raises- As you go into a backwards lunge, raise your arms straight out to the sides until parallel to the floor and eye level.  As you come out of the lunge, gently allow your arms to fall back to your sides.
-Side lunge w/curls- go into a side lunge while simultaneously doing a curl.  As you come out of the lunge, release your curl.

You'll notice in these videos that I'm doing the workouts without weights.  I don't have hand weights at home, so I'm doing the exercises without them.  Normally, I do these workouts with 3 pound weights so I can add a little muscle and toning without adding too much bulk.

Looking for a way to work these moves into your routine?  Don't worry, I've got a great routine for you below!

Arm & Leg Combo Routine:
Total Time: 25-30 minutes

20x chair squats with tricep kickbacks, alternating arms
30x plie squats with shoulder raises, alternating arms
30x deadlift with hammer curl
30x static lunge with pushbacks, both arms at once


30x chair squats with anterior raises, both arms at once
20x backwards lunge with shoulder raises, alternating arms
20x side lunge with curls, working one side then the next

Repeat the 2nd sequence!


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