
If you've never tried boxing as a workout, I highly recommend you try it.  I went to one Box 'N Burn class with friends a year or so ago and I was hooked.  Instead of spending $30/class, I decided that I should just buy my own boxing equipment and work out at home.  I'm so thankful in this time of quarantine that I have my punching bag.  Boxing is such a great way to get cardio in without a gym, but it's also a great full body workout!

My typical boxing routine has gotten a little stale recently.  I usually just go through a sequence of 1's and 2's and while it's a good workout, it's gotten boring.  Last I discovered the Fight Camp app on my phone and I've been hooked ever since.  Yes, they sell you equipment packages and I'm sure the workouts are better if you have their punch trackers, but you can still get a great workout in with the free app.

Let me tell you, I started off a little cocky, thinking I could skip the into workout and go straight into a 6-round (20 minute) workout.  20 minutes is easy, right?  Wrong!  I got through I think about 1 1/2 rounds before realizing that 1- I had no idea what I was doing and 2- it was way harder than I expected.  So rewind a little bit - I looked up the boxing basics again on YouTube and practiced my punches.  This was huge.  Even though they demonstrate the punches before the rounds in the Fight Camp videos, you still need to know the technique behind each punch before getting into things.  Then I completed the intro workout, which, I'll be honest, was still pretty tough.

Once I had the basics down, I moved into 4-round workouts.  Let me tell you, it was hard.  Luckily the Fight Camp instructors are motivating and the workouts include great pump-up music, so I was able to get through 4-rounds.  I've worked my way up to doing 6-round workouts now and successfully completed the first 6-rounder I tried on my first day.  I'm totally hooked on this workout app and I'm honestly a little sad when I have to take a break to rest my arms (my shoulders and chest are in pain, but in a good way).

Here are some screenshots of the app and one more reason why I love it.  Again, boxing is not just an arm workout.  Before you start each workout sequence, it tells you what body-weight exercises you'll be doing in the workout as well.  Each round in the workouts includes both punches and body weight exercises (lunges, squats, push ups, etc.) so you know what you're getting into before you get started.  There's a great variety too, so you can spend days focused more on your legs, core, etc.

I'll tell you this now because I think it's important.  This is NOT an ad.  This is my 100% honest and genuine opinion and I would never give you anything else.  I haven't spent a cent using this app and they haven't given me anything in return (other than awesome workouts of course).  I don't have any of their workout equipment, but it's still a killer workout and a ton of fun.  So if you're stuck at home like me and looking for a fun way to get in a great workout, I definitely recommend looking into the Fight Camp app.  Obviously it's more effective if you have the equipment, but I don't see why you couldn't do the workouts without a punching bag!


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