Sleepy Time

I've never been a good sleeper.  Ever since I was a kid, I've had trouble falling asleep and have been an incredibly light sleeper.  The second I lay my head down on my pillow, rather than relaxing, my brain decides to think about anything and everything.  Over the years I've tried quite a few different tactics to help me fall asleep - including counting German shepherds instead of sheep - and I'm here to share with you the things that have worked best for me! Check them out below:

  1. Meditation: this has been by far the most successful tool in helping me fall and stay asleep.  Doing a meditation routine right before going to sleep has been a great tool for me, but doesn't always work.  I've found that I need to meditate and then immediately go to sleep in order for it to work.  I can't stay up chatting with my husband and then try going to bed or the effects of the meditation will be mostly lost.
  2. Aromatherapy: I've tried a few different types of aromatherapy including a topical cream, pillow sprays, and diffused essential oils.  My favorite technique is diffusing a combination of eucalyptus and spearmint by my bedside as I wind down for the night and get ready for bed.  This combination is soothing and relaxing and combined with other techniques can help me fall asleep faster and get a better night's rest.
  3. Reading: Not scrolling through my phone, but reading a good old-fashioned book can help put my mind at ease before going to bed.  This is a technique I used a lot when I was younger - I would stay up for hours reading after bedtime before getting really tired and falling asleep.  I think part of the reason why this works is because my brain is getting immersed in a story rather than thinking about reality and stressing about work.  Find a really good book and try reading for 15-30 minutes before bed and I bet you'll notice a difference.
  4. Peppermint Tea: Any tea really will do the trick, but I love peppermint tea before bed.  It's especially important if you've been enjoying a glass of wine or two to swap over to tea before bed.  I find that the sugar in wine can keep me from getting a good night's sleep, so by switching over to tea early in the evening, I can feel the calming effects of the tea and avoid the opposite effect wine has.
  5. Supplements: I know that some people swear by melatonin, but when I've tried it in the past, I've woken up foggy and groggy.  It's worth testing out if you're a troubled sleeper like me, but just know that it may not be the best solution.  I've also tried Moon Juice Dream Dust, which is a mushroom-based all-natural sleeping supplement that helped me fall asleep without the morning-after fogg.  Taking this in combination with the above measures helps ensure a great night's sleep.
One of the biggest things I've found is that you have to find what works for you and stick to it.  I find that the nights where I meditate before bed, I sleep infinitely better than the nights I don't.  Even with that, I'm not as consistent with it as I should be.  If you experience trouble falling asleep, I encourage you to try a few of these different techniques to see if they help you.  Even if you don't have trouble sleeping, these practices can help calm your mind and give you some peace.


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