Brussels Sprout & Kale Salad

I can't remember the first time I had a shaved brussels sprout salad, but I will say, it changed my salad game in a big way.  There are a few different ways you can enjoy brussels sprouts, but raw and shaved in a salad is a really great way.  I'm a big fan of roasted brussels sprouts as well, but shaved brussels bring a totally different flavor to the table.

When I was younger, I hated brussels sprouts because my dad would microwave them and they smelled awful.  Have you ever smelled microwaved brussels?  It really is the worst smell.  So from a young age, I was pretty turned off from brussels sprouts, but I've re-discovered them in the last few years.  Maybe that's because they've gotten so popular, but I'm a fan, so I'm not complaining!

This recipe is a hybrid of a salad I usually make and a recipe my mom sent me for Mother's Day.  I usually make my salads with just brussels, but her recipe called for the addition of kale.  I really loved the combination of flavors and textures the two greens brought to this salad, so I'll definitely be using them together again.  I also didn't have the ingredients for the salad dressing my mom's recipe called for or the white balsamic vinegar I usually use, so I just kind of made things up.  This combination was actually really tasty though and paired perfectly with the salad.  I also didn't have any dijon because I accidentally dropped the entire job the other day, so I used whole grain mustard instead.  

Total Time: 10 minutes
Servings: 4

For the Salad:
1 lb brussels sprouts, thinly sliced
3 cups dinosaur kale
1/2 cup shaved almonds
1 green apple
Optional: 4 tbs shredded parmesan

For the Dressing:
4 tbs olive oil
4 tbs red wine vinegar
2 tbs mustard (dijon or whole grain)
Salt & Pepper to taste

  1. Slice the brussels sprouts and apples thinly and de-rib the kale.
  2. Add the brusseles, kale, apple and shaved almonds to a bowl and toss to combine.
  3. In a small airtight container, add the dressing ingredients and shake until fully combined.
  4. Toss the salad in the dressing and enjoy!

This salad is great on its own, but it's also good as a side with a piece of protein.

We chose to enjoy ours with a ribeye steak with some garlic herb butter.

Tip: If you let the salad sit with the dressing on it to marinate, the kale will soften and it will enhance the flavor of the salad.

Nutrition Facts:
Just the salad:
Calories: 270
Protein: 4g
Carbs: 26g
Fat: 19g


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