Hiking - Nature's Cure

I've been spending this week doing a lot of reflection.  I wrote 3 different posts for today, all of which I deleted because I couldn't accurately express myself.  I've been feeling a little lost with what to do and what to say.  My typical days of working out, writing posts and captions just didn't feel right and I felt bored for the first time so far this quarantine.

 It's okay to not be okay right now and to not know what to do, but I don't want to lose myself in the process.  So this weekend, I plan to get back out into nature and spend some time finding myself again.  I've seen many people step up and post on social media about how they are supporting the black lives matter movement, but a recent post struck a bit of a different chord.  The gist of the post was this - it's great that you're supporting now, but what will you do once the spotlight isn't on this issue.  That really resonated with me because I've always felt that equality for all people is important, but have never really been a part of the solution before.  So as I try to figure out how I can educate myself and support the movement today, I'll also be reflecting on how I can continue to support once the spotlight shines elsewhere.

Last week, I did something I had never done before - I drove down PCH and went for a hike all by myself.  Ryan had to work all weekend because of a medical conference, so I decided to go off on my own and enjoy some peace, quiet, and nature.  Although I was interrupted  few times by other hikers playing music, for the most part, my hike was beautiful and peaceful.  Instead of listening to music, I opted to listen to the sounds of nature - the rustling of the bushes as a bunny hopped by or the chirping or a nearby bird.

I planned to hike to the end of the trail and spend time meditating near the waterfall.  Unfortunately, there were many people at the end of the hike and there was no way I would be able to steal a moment of peace and solitude.  So I snapped a picture, turned around, and headed home.  While meditating to the sound of the waterfall would have been nice, the hike itself was a bit of a practice in meditation.

This weekend I plan to get out into nature again and hopefully find a quiet place to collect my thoughts and meditate.  The sounds and smells of nature are so calming, they help me gain clarity and feel at peace.  For anyone else whose been feeling a little lost and confused this week, I highly recommend getting out into nature and enjoying a little solitude & sunshine.


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