Mediterranean Cod

I absolutely love Mediterranean food, but I have to say that when we went to Greece a few years ago, it totally changed everything.  Never again will I EVER eat a dry pita pocket and think that this is what pita is.  The pita bread in Greece was fluffy and spongy and nothing like what I was used to.  So after this vacation, I vowed that I would never go back to store-bought pita.  Fast forward to today and naturally, pita bread was one of the first bread recipes I decided to try.  Although I was set on making pita bread, I obviously wasn't going to eat it alone, so I waited to make the bread until I had something tasty to make it with.

After a few weeks ago when I made cod for the first time, I started looking into other ways to make cod and that's when I came across a Mediterranean gyro recipe.  This was the perfect combination of a few of my favorite things, so I knew I had to try it.  Other than making the pita from scratch, this recipe was so easy and tasty.  I first made the recipe gyro style, but found that the pita bread was a little too thick to really eat as a gyro.  Then I discovered that my pita had an absolutely amazing pocket inside and it was perfect to stuff with my filling.  So here's a recipe for the pita filling and check the freshly baked pita recipe out here!

I promised you more cod recipes, so here’s another one! Cod is honestly such an easy fish to cook and it has great flavor and texture.  I look forward to cooking with cod again in the future. 🥰

Total Time: 20-25 minutes
Servings: 4

1 1/2 pounds cod
4 large pita 
1 cup grape tomatoes, halved
1 medium cucumber, chopped
1 cup tzatziki 
1/2 cup chopped parsley
1/4 cup chopped olives
1 tbs avocado oil
Salt & Pepper to taste

  1. Preheat a non-stick pan on medium high.  While the pan is pre-heating, salt and pepper your cod.
  2. Add oil to pan and cook cod until cooked through, about 4-5 minutes on the first side and 2-4 minutes on the other, depending on the size.
  3. While the cod is cooking, chop your veggies.  
  4. When the cod is finished cooking, chop into bite-sized pieces.
  5. To assemble the pita pocket or gyro, add a small amount of tzatziki sauce to the pita bread.  Toss the cucumber, tomatoes, and cod pieces and add to your pita.  Top with olives, tzatziki and parsley.
See the photos below for 2 different preparations.  I much preferred the pita pocket style as it was way easier to eat!

This recipe was filling, delicious, and full of good for you ingredients.  We're definitely going to have to make it again!


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