Spicy Deviled Egg Salad

If you know Ryan and I well, you know that we love hot sauce.  Ryan puts hot sauce on just about anything while I'm a little more discerning with my hot sauce use.  But the bottom line is, if hot sauce will make a recipe taste better, you can be sure we're going to use it.  As you can imagine, when we found out that our favorite hot sauce brand, Yellowbird, had recipes on their website, we were so excited to try them.  This recipe is 100% from their website and absolutely delicious.  One of my favorite flavors of hot sauce that they have is serrano.  It's got a mild spice to it, but it's great on anything from eggs to burritos.  While I enjoy the other hot sauce's Yellowbird has to offer, the serrano is the only one I put on my eggs because the flavors go so well together.  When we saw that this egg salad recipe called for 1/4 a cup of the serrano hot sauce, we were instantly sold and knew that it would have to be the first recipe of theirs we tried.  

Looking for a great new brunch dish?  This should be up there because it's easy and delicious.  We got some fresh sourdough bread, lightly toasted it, added mashed avocado, and topped with the deviled egg salad.  And obviously to make it more photogenic I topped it with more paprika and scallions. 😋 

Total Time: 10 minutes
Servings: 3-4

8 hard boiled egg
1/2 cup plain greek yogurt
1/4 cup Yellowbird Serrano Hot Sauce
1 tbs yellow mustard
2 tbs sweet relish
2 tbs scallions
1/4 tsp paprika
Salt & Pepper to taste

Optional: 1/4 inch slice of sourdough bread & 1/2 avocado per serving

  1. Chop hard boiled eggs into 1/4 inch pieces.  Combine all ingredients in a medium-sized mixing bowl and refrigerate until ready for use.
  2. To make avocado toast (highly recommend), lightly toast 1/4" slice of sourdough bread, top with sliced avocado and 1/3-1/2 cup of egg salad mixture.


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