Back in the Swing of Things

You may have noticed a bit of a drop off in my workout posts over the last month.  The truth is, I wasn't working out nearly as often after I went back to work.  I'd come home after a day of work exhausted and with no energy to exercise.  I was that person who was saying "I'll work out tomorrow" or "I'll just work out this weekend."  

I'm a silver linings kind of person, so although I recently lost my job due to COVID-19, I'm feeling okay.  In fact, now that I'm getting back in the swing of working out and getting enough sleep, I'm feeling more energetic than I have in over a month.  I'm spending my time trying to focus on the positive and appreciate the me-time I've been given.

It never ceases to amaze me that even after a short break, my body needs time to get back into a normal workout routine.  Two weeks ago I did a few lunges (literally 10 backwards lunges on each leg) and I was sore for a few days after.  So here's what I've been doing to ease myself back into working out again!

Sunday: Cardio & Abs - 30 minutes walking on the treadmill on an incline. 5-10 minutes of ab work (I have a general routine I like which is pretty much the 1st half of my ab-blaster routine)

Monday: Cardio & Legs - 30 minutes walking on the treadmill on an incline. Mini lunge set - 10 backwards lunges per leg, 20 squats, 20 dead lifts.

Tuesday: Boxing & Abs - 15 minute boxing routine and 15 minutes of ab work.

Wednesday: Cardio & Legs - 30 minutes walking on the treadmill on an incline and 1 round of my booty burner routine.

Thursday: Cardio - 30 minutes walking on the treadmill on an incline and lots of stretching after.

Friday: Boxing & Abs - 30 minute boxing & ab workout followed by 15 minutes of abs

Saturday: Total Body Workout - I have a few old workout DVDs that have been getting a lot of use over the past few months.  One of my favorites is Jillian Michaels' "No More Trouble Zones."  It's a killer full body workout that targets your "trouble zones" aka those tough to work out areas.  

Why am I sharing this routine with you?  I used to get sore after an initial workout and then take a week or so break before trying again, but that's not necessary at all!  Since I've already been in shape and I'm building my way back up, this is an accelerated version of what I would recommend for someone who hasn't been working out in some time.  The principle is the same though - rotate muscle groups, get some cardio in (even if it's low impact like brisk walking), and make sure to stretch a TON.  When I'm sore, I probably stretch 4-5 times a day.  Now that you know how I do it, it's time for you to get back into the swing of things!


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