Watermelon Blueberry Smoothie

Have you ever added frozen watermelon to a smoothie? If you haven’t, you better try it because it’s delicious. How did I come to this conclusion? Well, after buying a very large watermelon and realizing that I couldn’t possibly eat it all raw, I decided it would be tasty to make a boozy watermelon slushee. So I chopped up and froze some watermelon and made a total of 1 drink with it. Don’t get me wrong, it was good, but also a lot of effort and filling for a drink. Then we went to Martha’s Vineyard for 2 and when we came back, had no food. I was CRAVING a salad and didn’t want to pay $26 to have one delivered (no joke, that’s what it was going to cost) so I went to Trader Joe’s instead to pick up a few essentials. Too tired to really think of much, I bought 2 pre-bagged salads and 3 bananas.

I was planning on just eating a banana for breakfast when I remembered that I had frozen some blueberries before our trip and had some almond milk, so I decided to make a smoothie.  Then I thought, why not throw in some watermelon while I’m at it.  And that’s how this delicious smoothie was born.  The watermelon gives the smoothie a delicious natural sweetness and lightens up the texture a little bit.  The second time I made this smoothie, I added some chopped kale too because I love adding some greens to my smoothies.  So no, frozen watermelon isn’t a traditional smoothie ingredient, but I highly recommend adding it if you’ve got it!  You’ll thank me later.

Total Time: 2 minutes
Servings: 1 large smoothie (18 or so ounces)

1 medium banana
1/2 cup unflavored almond milk
1 cup frozen blueberries
1/4 cup frozen watermelon
1/2 cup shredded kale

Blend all ingredients until smooth.

Optional toppings: granola, fresh blueberries, chia or flax seeds.


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