15-Minute Glute Workout

Happy Fitness Friday everyone!  I'm so excited to share with you all 6 of my favorite moves to exercise your glutes.  If you've been following along, I've been using the Peloton workout app for a few weeks now and I've been learning a ton of great new moves.  Every time I try something I like, I write it down and I'm compiling some great workouts for you all!  I like to keep them to 15 or 20 minutes so I can do a combination of cardio & strength training, but feel free to double them up or add weight.  For the first 2 or so weeks while I was doing the Peloton classes, they were hard enough without any weight.  This past week I started adding 5 pound weights to these routines and it's been tough!  But in the best way possible.  I love to work out my entire body, but sometimes your booty needs a little extra attention, so here are my favorite new glute workouts.  If you combine these with last week's squat and lunge routine, you're in for a killer workout!

Before getting into the routine, remember to warm up and stretch.  It's important that your muscles are warm before you get into strength training.

15-Minute Routine:
20x/leg dead lift kickbacks
30x dead lift
20x/leg modified deadlift to a split squat
20x/side clamshells
30x frog thrusters
3x/leg single leg bridge: hold for 10 seconds all the way up, then go 1/2 way down and hold for 10 more seconds.  Go all the way down and then repeat.

Here are descriptions of each of the moves.  You can also check out videos on my instagram at @the_skinnie_foodie!

Dead Lift Kickbacks:

Start by standing on your right leg with your left leg bent (like in the photo above).  Slightly bend your right leg and slowly kick your left leg straight behind you until it's parallel to the floor.  Lean your upper body forward while you do this (like in a traditional dead lift) while keeping your back flat.  It helps your balance if you slide your hands down your right leg while doing so.  Slowly stand back up and bring your left leg back to the original position.  Repeat on one leg for 20 repetitions and then switch to the other.  It may take some time to get your balance right on this one - keeping your core engaged will help, but just like anything, it takes practice.

Traditional Dead Lift:

Okay, so these weren't new to me, but I love them so much that I added them into this routine.  Stand with your feet hip width apart and slightly bend your knees.  Lean forward and stick your butt out behind you while scraping your shins (not literally) with your hands.  Keep your back flat while you go down (one of the Peloton instructors says "booty back, back flat" so I have that stuck in my head).  As you stand up, squeeze your butt at the top of the rep, but don't push your hips past a normal standing position.  

Modified Dead Lift/Split Squat:

Another version of a dead lift!  For this one, step like you are going into a forward lunge, but keep your back leg straight.  Lean forward into a dead lift motion (again keeping your back flat) and then stand up.  Once your're vertical again, drop down your lower knee like you're doing a lunge.  Stand back up and repeat on the same leg.

Clam Shells:

Come down to the mat for this one.  Lay on your right side with your right hip on the ground and prop yourself up with your right elbow (think like you're going to do a side plank).  Bend your legs and then push your hips forward and off the ground.  While doing so, open your legs like a clam shell.  Hold for a second and then slowly bring your hips down to the ground while simultaneously closing your legs.  This is essentially 2 movements in one - the upward motion of your hips like you're going into a side plank and the separation of the knees like you're opening a shell.  Try to keep the motions fluid and in rhythm.  Repeat on one side and then switch to the other.

Frog Thrusters:

Lay down on your back and sit with your feet together and your legs in an open clam shell position.  Get your feet as close as you comfortably can to your butt.  Slowly raise your hips in a thrusting motion, hold at the top, and then slowly lower to the ground.  These are similar to a bridge thruster, but take the pressure off your hamstrings and focus on your glutes.  


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