20 Minute Leg Workout

 For the longest time, I've been doing just about the same leg routine (see booty burner post).  It works for me, but it can definitely get a little stale.  When we went to the vineyard, I decided that it was a good time to try out the Peloton workout app since I wouldn't have any equipment with me.  I'd heard great things about the app, but was satisfied with the routine I'd built at home, so hadn't had the desire to try it out before the trip.

A few weeks later and I have learned a ton of new great workout moves that I want to share with you all!  I'm trying to do as many different workouts while I can during my free trial so I can learn as much as possible during this time.  Here are 5 of the new leg moves I learned and enjoyed.  This workout is a great full-leg workout featuring squats and a variety of lunges.  Don't worry, I'll be sharing more workouts for glutes, cardio, and abs later so stay tuned!

As a reminder, you'll want to warm up before you get into this.  A little walk, some jumping jacks and stretches, knee pulls, etc. and you'll be good to go.

20 Minute Routine:
  • Tap-tap squat (x20)
  • Squat Walks (3 steps in each direction, x10)
  • Pulse Rotation: sumo squat -> right curtsy -> sumo squat -> left curtsy (10 pulses each, 10x)
  • Skater jumps (x20)
  • Lunge Circuit: squat -> backwards lunge -> curtsy lunge -> backwards lunge -> squat (10x/side)

Not sure what some of these moves are?  That's okay!  I've recorded some short videos and written descriptions of each move to help you get started.

P.S. Bella is featured in some of these videos, but you don't need a German Shepherd to do these workouts!  😉

Videos & Descriptions:

Some of these videos were too long to upload, so check out my instagram at @the_skinnie_foodie to see them!

Tap Tap Squat:

I like this move because it's easier than squat hops and it's a great way to get your workout started.  They're easier than squat hops too, so it's a great way to ease into a tough workout.  Go into a squat and as you come up, bring your legs together and hop twice.  Jump back down into a squat and repeat.

Squat Walks:

Come down into a deep squat and walk 3 steps in one direction.  Take 3 steps in the opposite direction, back to the middle, then reverse and repeat.  Stay down in a deep squat the entire time.

Pulse Rotation:

I love squat and lunge pulses because you really feel the burn!  You're going to do 3 moves and pulse 10 times each.  Your first move is a sumo squat, so a wide legged squat.  Then you'll bring your left leg behind you into a curtsy lunge and pulse 10 times.  Come out of the curtsy and into a sumo squat & pulse, then switch sides.  Your legs should be shaking at the end of this.

Skater Jumps:

This next move is a great, light way to work out your quads and get your heart rate back up.  Believe me, after those pulses you'll need a bit of a break!  Jump from one side to the next, keeping only one foot on the ground and your leg slightly bent.

Lunge Circuit:

I've learned a few great lunge circuits through the Peloton app, but this one is my favorite.  You'll do a squat, then a backwards lunge, straight to a curtsy lunge, back to the backwards lunge and then to the squat.  You'll repeat on one leg and then swap to the next.

Give yourself a second to breathe, stretch, and grab some water before repeating.

Next week I'll be sharing my favorite glute workouts, so keep your eye out for another Fitness Friday post!


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